Many thanks to the 17 intrepid volunteers who turned out for the first Task Day of 2025, a cold but brilliantly sunny morning in the park.
One of the main jobs this time of year is tidying up the flower beds, especially those around the War Memorial. We're now seeing snowdrops flowering in the beds bringing some welcome brightness and there are even some bulbs already starting to shoot. We also removed branches which had been blown off during the recent storms. This included cutting off as much as we could from the dead tree that had fallen near the Sundial. Lots of smaller branches were also collected from around the park, and we did our usual litter pick.
Other tasks included making a start on weeding and tidying up underneath the benches - we've asked the Council to stop weed-killing around the benches, trees and edges which is environmentally unfriendly and looks unsightly. Preliminary investigations were also carried out concerning the feasibility of the group replacing the timbers which frame the Boules Court and are rotting away.
We left the park looking considerably more respectable than when we arrived, doing our best to work round all the changes in the park as part of the construction of the new Community Hub.