With our January task day being snowed off it seems like an long time since we've been in the park and it was great to get back and do some work. The park is springing back into life with a great display of crocuses and snowdrops.
A real good tidy-up of the shrub beds alongside the driveway into the park was followed by similar treatment for the beds in front of the Scout Hut and alongside the Senior Citizens Hall. The Jubilee Bed in front of the library, the toilet bed and the shrub bed towards the top end of the park were also tackled, as was the wildlife area behind the library.
While this was going on another small team was carrying out some management work to the woodland alongside the canal and another was preparing the goal-post frame at the top end of the park ready for its new silhouette artwork. This will be the same as the one we recently installed at the main entrance. We've been getting great comments from the public about this and we're delighted with the results. We'll be adding a new project page about this in the near future.
Marple Allotment Association were also in attendance tidying up their beds and like us they're looking forward to spring!