Friends of Memorial Park Task Days in 2013
Here are details of our task days in 2013.
With summer here at last it was time for serious amounts of weeding in the Ornamental Beds, a full course of treatment for Midnight the Owl Tree Sculpture and a good tidy-up of the shrub beds at the entrance to the park near the cinema.
We were pleased to have a visit from local photographer Arthur Procter, who took several of the photos below.
In addition, a small team continued our project sponsored by Marple Area Committee to refurbish the two picnic benches down at the Recreation Ground. These are now both finished apart from the the plaque on the second bench, which will be refitted after it has been cleaned up.
Unfortunately a very damp day prevented photographs being taken during the action but, typically, it stopped raining as we finished and a few shots were then taken. Despite the rain volunteers weeded and added over 100 plants to the Sensory Garden, the Ornamental Beds, the War Memorial Beds and the Reading Circle behind the library.
Marple Allotment Association also braved the wet weather to continue development of their new plot.
Our main focus during today's task day was the planting out of a new Rose Hedge around the rear borders of the War Memorial Beds. We planted 30 Rose Stromboli specimens around each of the two borders and these should develop into a low hedge covered in red roses that flower between June and November each year.
This is part of our plans to commemorate the approaching centenaries of the Great War (1914-1918) and we hope that the new "Rose Wall" will be looking good in time for 2014, the 100th Anniversary of the start of the war that resulted in the dedication of our park to the community in 1922.
We've installed a temporary barrier around the beds to provide protection to the roses while they get established and we hope that people will respect our request to keep their dogs off the beds and not to walk on them.
Other tasks today included the repair of the Infants Play Area fence, which had been subject to vandalism with several slats being kicked out and planting of donated plants and shrubs in various areas.
Marple Allotment Association were in attendance again and have added more vegetables to their new plot.
In addition, yesterday one of our volunteers who couldn't attend today treated seven park benches with a new coat of preservative as a self-imposed penance and these are looking really good.
The weather gods must be on our side as they saved the best of the weekend's sunshine for our task day today.
It was a very good turn out with volunteers doing lots of work on the flowerbeds including the War Memorial beds, the Shuttle Stone bed, the Toilet Block bed and the two next to the council offices near to the car park. Pruning was also carried out to the shrub beds on the other side of the council offices too.
The Allotment Association were in attendance and continued the development of their newly adopted fruit, veg, herb and flower garden with the planting of a pair of apple trees. This is going to be a fascinating new feature in the park this summer. The Association are hoping visitors will pull out weeds in the bed while passing and take a small amount of produce as a reward.
Meanwhile, our team of intrepid bench restorers tackled a new project sponsored by a donation from Marple Area Committee to refurbish the picnic benches down at the Recreation Ground. These substantial benches, sponsored by Marple Civic Society and the Macnair Trust in 1990 have been the worse for wear and vandalism for a while now and Area Committee have paid for timber to refurbish the bench tops and seats. One bench was completed today and the other will be done soon. The original plaques will be cleaned up and replaced in the near future too.
Back in the park, our new jet wash was tested by giving Midnight the Owl Tree Sculpture a good hose-down to remove all the green before being treated with preservative next time.
With some decent weather at last we were pleased to welcome Marple and District Allotment Association to the Park. The Association has taken over the flowerbed previously maintained by the Rainbows and soon set about making it their own by clearing and forking it over, hoeing in 5lb of Growmore and then planting Gooseberry, Blueberry and Red and White Current bushes. As the sign they installed says, the Association plan to turn the bed into a mini vegetable plot that will include herbs, flowers, vegetables and fruit. We are really looking forward to seeing this new project develop over the coming months.
Whilst the Allotment Association toiled over their bed the Friends group set about pruning Dogwood and other trees and shrubs throughout the park and also installing the new display panel for the Diamond Jubilee Flowerbed near to the library. The display explains the background and inspiration for the bed and acknowledges the local community groups that contributed to this community project to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee that was started last year.
The main task today was planting up the Diamond Jubilee Flowerbed with 800 Polyanthus purchased from our funds - it looked like there were too many at the start but they ended up a perfect fit.
We also cleared the gravel out of the narrow strip alongside the car park - we installed this last year but it has proved to be a bad idea because it was always getting kicked everywhere by the kids. So it's back to the drawing board for this mini-project to make the ugly strip look better.
It was great to be joined by some of Marple's Firefighters - who have recently won a special award for their community involvement - and they helped us plant the Polyanthus, remove the gravel and do some pruning near to the Senior Citizens' Hall. We are hopeful that they will come to more of our task days in the future.
The Friends of the Park end of January task day was abandoned due to the weather apart from two steadfast, loyal, dedicated, brave and hardy fellows:
These were Terry and Patrick, who did a first rate job of fitting a new bracket to repair one of the Senior Citizens' benches near to the Bowling Green where the cast iron had cracked, resulting in one of the slats breaking away.
"These tough men will stop at nothing!!" (their words).
Patrick has also been successful in persuading the Co-Op to paint yellow strips on the steps between the park and the Co-Op car park - so a big "well done" to him for that too.
We had to abandon our last task day of 2012 scheduled for 29 December due to the awful weather but enthusiastic volunteers decided to squeeze an extra one in to replace it this week and that was much more successful. Tasks included clearing out the remaining bedding from the Jubilee Bed and transplanting some of them to the Toilet bed. Clearing brambles and weeds from the bed to the side of the library and removing the grass and weeds from between the paving and brickwork in front of the library. Work was also done in the Breathing Places behind the library.
The chains securing the recently refurbished Senior Citizens' Bench near the Bowling Green were reconnected - thanks to The Marple Plumber for doing this for us.
Also we were very pleased to be able to complete the refurbishment of the second bench near to the Co-Op steps. This one was kindly sponsored by All Things Nice, the Marple Coffee House and Deli on Church Lane.