New 50-50 Club supporting Marple Community
Although the 50-50 Club for Friends of Marple Memorial Park has closed, the good news is that a new 50-50 Club is now up and running.
It's known as the Marple Carnival Community Fund 50-50 Club and operates in exactly the same way, although it is run by Marple Carnival and not Friends of the Park.
50% of funds collected is allocated as prizes in the monthly draw and the remaining 50% is accrued and donated on a quarterly basis to many of the local good causes in the Marple area. Of course Friends of the Park could be one of them but there are many other groups doing great work in Marple that could benefit too.
This is a great new way of supporting your local community!
If you would like to subscribe, or would like more information, please contact Kevin Murray either by email to
The FoMMP 50-50 Club is now closed
The final draw of the FoMMP 50-50 Club was made on 5th April
Following the decision of Mark and Gill Whittaker to wind down their involvement in friends of the Park after 20+ years at the helm, we can confirm that the group will continue to care for the park under the guidance of a new chairman and a refreshed committee but they will be down-sizing activities to focus on park maintenance, primarily the flowerbeds.
At our meeting on Thursday 14th March 2024 it was agreed that the 50-50 Club would need to be closed down as it is a big challenge to run and the level of funding required by the group going forward will diminish considerably. The final draw was conducted on 5th April 2024.
How you can continue supporting Friends of the Park!
If you would like to continue supporting Friends of Marple Memorial Park going forward, you are welcome to make one-off or regular monthly contributions (including Gift-Aid if you are a UK tax-payer) via their Local Giving page. You can sign up to this here:
Thank you for such fantastic support!
The 50-50 Club raised an amazing £13,730 for the park since it started in 2019.
It provided a steady income, even through the COVID19 pandemic when so many other groups were struggling to raise funds. It enabled us to do so many great things in the park and it's been wonderful to have your support. So thank you on behalf of Friends of Marple Memorial Park!